Entries by Caroline

Agile Network Isolation through use of Packet Level Non-Repudiation for Airborne Tactical Networks

In an airborne battlespace, every node in a network is vulnerable. Once an attacker is in, the entire network is at risk. Fortunately, the technology exists to create a truly collaborative solution that can deliver knowledge of any threat, anywhere, any time. Learn more about how Grier Forensics is leading the way by achieving agile […]


We take encryption for granted for all digital communication, except one: email. In this talk, Joe Naegele (Senior Software Engineer, Grier Forensics), unpacks our lack of email privacy, and discusses how new standards, like IETF’s DANE SMIMEA, solve this chicken-and-egg problem by using the DNS as a massive, global key distribution system.


Since its invention, stochastic forensics has made quite a splash, appearing in the Journal of Digital Investigation, Digital Forensics Magazine, InformationWeek, and SC Magazine. Jonathan Grier (Principal, Grier Forensics), will show you how he developed it and used it to catch a data thief. You’ll learn how to analyze filesystem patterns and do stochastic forensics […]

RSA Conference

Microsoft Office documents are becoming the attack vector of choice for nation-state cyber espionage, like Stuxnet and Duqu. It’s no wonder, given that they have a 6546 page spec so complicated that Google estimated it would take 18 years to study it properly. In this talk, Jonathan Grier (Principal, Grier Forensics), does a deep-dive to […]